Faculty & Administration

Sonia N. Aziz | Dean of the School of Business & Economics,
Professor of Economics
Office location: Comenius Hall 215
Office phone: 610-625-7702
Email: azizs@moravian.edu
Ph.D., University of Maine
Research interests and expertise
Sonia Aziz specializes in Environmental Economics with a focus on health economics and water resources in developing countries. Dr. Aziz's research focuses on valuation of health and other non-market goods (environmental goods) by looking at human behavior in response to potential health and environmental risks, and the impact of that behavior on the outcomes experienced. Her work as principal investigator of external research grants were funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) . Her most recent grant was jointly administered by the and NASA. These research initiatives focus on the benefits of using satellite data in decision making that improve socioeconomic outcomes benefitting people and the environment.
View Sonia Aziz's Profile Page

Stacy L. Boyer | Assistant Professor of Management
Office location: Comenius Hall 210
Office phone: 610-625-7836
Email: boyers03@moravian.edu
Ph.D., Drexel University
Research interests and expertise
Dr. Boyer specializes in organizational behavior and leadership. Her current research examines how identity threats, such as exposure to negative stereotypes or group-based criticism, affect employee motivation, performance, and wellbeing. She is also interested in the process of leader development.
Dr. Boyer has a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Drexel University. In addition to her academic work, she brings industry experience in human resources and sales management to her teaching. She enjoys sharing her expertise in the classroom and utilizes reflective and experiential practices to encourage students' personal and professional development.
View Stacy Boyer's Profile Page

Sue F. Cyliax | Assistant Professor of Practice in Marketing
Office location: Comenius Hall 203
Office phone: 610-625-7817
Email: cyliaxs@moravian.edu
M.B.A., Drexel University
Research interests and expertise
Areas of expertise: Marketing strategy and planning, brand strategy and positioning, strategic planning, licensing, strategic partnership development, innovation and new product launch, market and channel expansion, integrated marketing communications, cross- functional team development and leadership.
Sue brings a diverse range of real world experience to share with the students at Moravian. She launched and ran her own successful strategic marketing consulting firm for 18 years. In addition to running her own firm, she has held senior level marketing and sales positions for a range of organizations including privately held, public and private equity owned companies. She has experience in CPG, consumer products, B2B and nonprofits. Sue is also a speaker on topics including: branding, competitive positioning, consumer behavior, strategic partnerships.
View Sue Cyliax's Profile Page

Katie P. Desiderio | Professor of Management; Assistant Vice President, Corporate-Â鶹¹û¶³al Partnerships
Office location: Comenius Hall 202 * Think Tank
Office phone: 610-861-1376
Email: desideriok@moravian.edu
Ph.D., Barry University
Research interests and expertise
Holding a doctorate in leadership with a specialization in human resource development, Dr. Desiderio’s teaching interests include a mindfulness thread in courses such as, Leading People in Organizations, Management & Organizational Theory, Organizational Behavior and Leadership,
Mindfulness in Sport, and Happiness in the Workplace. Her research is in optimizing human performance at work, employee engagement, organizational citizenship behaviors, and flow at work, which fuels her work in and out of the classroom.
View Katie Desiderio's Profile Page

Mahmoud Elhussini | Associate Professor of Practice in Management
Office location: Comenius Hall 217
Office phone: 610-625-7101
Email: elhussinim@moravian.edu
DBA International Business, Argosy University
Research interests and expertise
Teaching; operations, marketing, and management courses. Research; cultural perspectives on business ethics, exploration of key personality traits in a successful project manager
In addition to being the Faculty Advisor for the Moravian Business Leaders Club, Dr. Elhussini also participates in the following: Ambassador for Peace, International Federation for World Peace, with consultative status in the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council. He completed Six Sigma training, which focuses on eliminating virtually all defects from a company’s products, services, processes, and transactions and the Master Planner program, which focuses on increasing sales performance by maximizing analytical planning skills.
View Mahmoud Elhussini's Profile Page

Lei He | Assistant Professor of Economics
Office location: Comenius Hall 212
Office phone: 610-625-7929
Email: hel@moravian.edu
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Research interests and expertise
My teaching interests are statistics, economics, and econometrics. My research focuses on the US airline industry and network formation.

Gary S. Kaskowitz | Professor of Management
Office location: Comenius Hall 216
Office phone: 610-861-1406
Email: kaskowitzg@moravian.edu
Ph.D., University of Maryland at College Park
Research interests and expertise
Strategic marketing; interactive marketing; the use of storytelling and archetypes in creating an identity; the morality and ethics of marketing, especially from Judeo-Christian and Western perspectives; service and interdisciplinary learning.
View Gary Kaskowitz's Profile Page

Mark Koscinski | Associate Professor of Practice in Accounting; Director of Assessment and Accreditation; Co-Director of the Accounting Program
Office location: Comenius Hall 204
Office phone: 610-861-1432
Email: koscinskim@moravian.edu
D.Litt., Drew University
C.P.A., State of New Jersey
Research interests and expertise
Dr. Mark Koscinski has forty years of business experience in both public and private accounting. Over this career he has been Controller or Chief Financial Officer of the following entities: a Fortune 500 Bank, a boutique merchant banking firm with multiple publicly traded entities, the third largest board game company in the United States, and a publicly traded aerospace and defense contractor with approximately 4,000 employees. While in public accounting, Dr. Koscinski worked for a Big 4 accounting firm, rising to the level of manager. Dr. Koscinski later maintained his own accounting practice where he was interim chief financial officer of a start-up pharma company, a medical devices company, a Catholic diocese, a not-for-profit organization and a construction company. Teaching a new generation of accountants and giving back to the community are now the driving passions in Dr. Koscinski’s life. He qualifies as a Practice Academic (PA) under AACSB Standards.
View Mark Koscinski's Profile Page

Richard Krohn | Professor of Practice in Economics and Business
Office location: Comenius Hall 208
Office phone: 610-625-7122
Email: krohnr@moravian.edu
Ph.D., George Washington University
Research interests and expertise
Dr. Krohn presently teaches Economics, Spanish, and FYWS, but his doctorate is in American Studies (interdisciplinary history).
Prior to Â鶹¹û¶³, Dr. Krohn went to George Washington University, where he achieved his Ph.D. While at George Washington, he published a dissertation on 20th-century regionalization in Venango County, PA. When pursuing his M.A. in English Writing at Hollins College, Krohn wrote and studied fiction and drama. He acted in 9 plays at Hollins College and Washington & Lee University. While pursuing his B.A. in Economics and Urban Studies at Case Western Reserve University, he was a goalie and played varsity soccer for four years. Dr. Krohn also spoke at graduation following the Kent State shootings. In addition, Dr. Krohn is an active poet, with more than 100 published poems.
View Richard Krohn's Profile Page

Heather Kuhns | Assistant Professor of Practice in Management
Office location: COM 207
Office phone: 610-625-7938
Email: kuhnsh02@moravian.edu
DBA, Johnson & Wales University
Research interests and expertise
Marketing, branding, social media, communication planning, leadership.
Dr. Kuhns brings more than 25 years of field experience to the classroom and her career has spanned many industries including healthcare, higher education, nonprofit, media and advertising. In 2016, Dr. Kuhns had the opportunity to teach a graduate-level marketing course at Cedar Crest College and discovered teaching was her greatest passion. Prior to joining the SOBE team at Moravian, she also taught as an adjunct faculty at Cedar Crest College, Kutztown University, Â鶹¹û¶³, DeSales University and St. Francis College. Dr. Kuhns graduated in 2021 from Johnson & Wales University with her Doctor in Business Administration with a concentration in Organizational Development and is a proud Moravian MBA graduate. She also hold a Bachelor's degree in English/Professional Writing from Kutztown University. In addition to teaching, Dr. Kuhns owns a boutique-style marketing agency called zenspire communications, where she specializes in social media management, strategy and branding.
Dr. Kuhns also serves on the executive committee and as the marketing chair for the Cancer Support Community of the Greater Lehigh Valley.
View Heather Kuhns' Profile Page

Eva Marikova Leeds | Professor of Economics, Director of Undergraduate Business Programs
Office location: Comenius Hall 214
Office phone: 610-861-1446
Email: leedse@moravian.edu
Ph.D., Princeton University
Research interests and expertise
Financial markets, event studies, sports economics and gender differences in competitive settings
Dr. Leeds received her undergraduate degree in political theory from James Madison College at Michigan State University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from Princeton University. She was a Fulbright Lecturer in 1991 and an advisor to the minister of the economy in the Czech Republic in 1994-95. She was a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan in 2006-7, a visiting associate professor at Temple University Japan in Tokyo in 2007-9, and a guest researcher at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Germany in spring of 2016.
View Eva Marikova Leeds's Profile Page

Jinjing Liu | Assistant Professor of Economics
Office location: Comenius Hall 205A
Office phone: 610-861-1453
Email: liuj@moravian.edu
Ph.D., McGill University
Research interests and expertise
Dr. Liu earned her Ph.D. in financial economics from McGill University. She teaches managerial finance, investments, money and banking, behavioral finance, and advanced managerial finance. Her Ph.D. dissertation focuses on asset pricing and risk management. After joining the World Bank, she expands her research to banking and corporate governance. Her research publishes in Journal of Financial Econometrics, Finance Research Letter, International Review of Financial Analysis, etc.
View Jinjing Liu's Profile Page

Daniel O'Connor | Associate Professor of Practice in Accounting, Co-Director of the Accounting Program
Office location: Comenius Hall 211
Office phone: 610-861-1413
Email: oconnord@moravian.edu
M.B.A., DeSales University
Doctoral Candidate (Ph.D.), Alvernia University
Research interests and expertise
Accounting, Corporate Leadership, Financial Reporting, Interpersonal Relations, Process Improvements, Leadership Research, Analysis and Auditing
Professor O’Connor is a recent addition to the Business and Economics Team. He is a native of Pennsylvania, and brings years of real world accounting experience to the classroom at Moravian. He is pursuing his Doctoral Degree at Alvernia University, focusing on corporate leadership. Currently, Professor O’Connor is part of the Amrhein Investment Club and plans to participate in other activities on campus as the opportunities arise.
View Daniel O'Connor's Profile Page
Joe Szmania | Associate Professor of Practice in Predictive Analytics, Director of Graduate Business Programs
Office location: PPHAC 221
Office phone: 610-625-7714
Email: szmaniaj@moravian.edu
Ph.D., New York University
Research interests and expertise
Decision support systems and AI, simulation models, predictive analytic modeling, and comparative economic systems.
Dr. Szmania is the current SOBE Director of Graduate Business Programs and teaches in the Master’s in Data Analytics program. He brings 40+ years of industry and teaching experience to the classroom. His industry background includes multiple roles in data analytics, as a financial architect, project management, and leading large organizations.
View Joe Szmania's Profile Page
Affiliated Faculty

Joel Nathan Rosen | Associate Professor of Sociology and Media Studies; Contributing Faculty in Sports Management
Director, Communications and Media Studies Program
Office location: Reeves Library, Ste. 102
Office phone: 610-625-7814
Email: rosenj@moravian.edu
Personal website:
Ph.D., University of Kent-Canterbury
Research interests and expertise
Media in Culture; American Popular Music (especially the blues and its related genres); Sport; Celebrity and Reputation; Moral Panics in the Media; American and African-American Culture; and the American South
View Joel Nathan Rosen's Profile Page
Joel Nathan Rosen (Associate Professor of Sociology) is Program Director in Communications and Media Studies at Â鶹¹û¶³ in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. His research is premised on the relationship between human activity and human efficacy as portrayed in media and as demonstrated through such cultural idioms as sport, music, comedy, and other areas that intersect celebrity. He is the author of The Erosion of the American Sporting Ethos: Shifting Attitudes toward Competition (McFarland) and From New Lanark to Mound Bayou: Owenism in the Mississippi Delta (Carolina Academic Press), is coeditor of and a contributor to a multi-volume series that explores the relationship between sport and celebrity (University Press of Mississippi), and has been published in such varied journals and anthologies as The Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture, 2009-2010, The Sociology of Sport Journal, The Journal of Mundane Behavior, NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture, The Journal of Sport History, and Media History Monographs.
Jodie Johnson | Office Manager
Office location: Comenius Hall, 2nd floor suite
Office phone: 610-861-1591
Email: johnsonj05@moravian.edu
Adjunct Faculty for Graduate and Undergraduate
Susan Aloi
Email: alois@moravian.edu
Theodore (TJ) Barron
Email: barront@moravian.edu
Scott Bartkus
Email: bartkuss@moravian.edu
Scott Best
Email: bests@moravian.edu
Kevin Brown
Email: brownk@moravian.edu
Erik Daly
Email: dalye@moravian.edu
Glenn Dickerson
Email: dickersong@moravian.edu
Tom Egan
Email: egant@moravian.edu
Richard Fehr
Email: fehrr@moravian.edu
J.C. Fernandez-Seoane
Email: fernandezseoanej@moravian.edu
Nicole Huff
Email: huffn@moravian.edu
Rachel Kubel
Email: kubelr@moravian.edu
Monica Law
Email: lawm@moravian.edu
Santo Marabella
Email: marabellas@moravian.edu
Kwadwo (Kojo) Ofosuhene
Email: ofosuhenek@moravian.edu
JP Orlando
Email: orlandoj@moravian.edu
Laura Queen
Email: queenl@moravian.edu
Kathy Ramson
Email: ramsonk@moravian.edu
James Ravelle
Email: ravellej@moravian.edu
James Rommens
Email: rommensj@moravian.edu
Nathan Schmidt
Email: schmidtn@moravian.edu
Babita Srivastava
Email: srivastavab@moravian.edu
Jeffrey Stewart
Email: stewartj@moravian.edu
Kim Talipan
Email: talipank@moravian.edu
Juan Vazquez
Email: vazquez@moravian.edu
Adriana Welsh
Email: welsha@moravian.edu
James West
Email: westj@moravian.edu
Madison Wodzisz
Email: wodziszm@moravian.edu
* Adjunct Space: PPHAC 216, Comenius 205 B