Graphic and Interactive
Design, BA & BFA
The graphic and interactive design track is for students interested in careers in the field of design, including graphic, publication, interactive, marketing, or branding design, or as preparation for graduate study and teaching.
There are two degree options in graphic and interactive design:
BA: provides the opportunity for additional study in other disciplines, including minors or double majors.
BFA: provides a more intense design experience with more required art/design courses.
Students in the Graphic and Interactive Design, BFA will take 17, rather than 13, courses in the arts. Note: Both options require completion of the Learning-in-Common (LinC) curriculum in liberal arts.
Year 1
Design, BA |
Design, BFA |
Fall | Fall | ||
Number | Course Name | Number | Course Name |
ART 170 | Drawing 1 | ART 170 | Drawing 1 |
ART 142 | Visual Foundations: Composition, Color and Design |
ART 142 | Visual Foundations: Composition, Color and Design |
Spring | Spring | ||
Number | Course Name | Number | Course Name |
ART 131 | Introduction to Graphic Design | ART 131 | Introduction to Graphic Design |
ART 180 | Painting 1 | ||
Year 2
Design, BA |
Design, BFA |
Fall | Fall | ||
Number | Course Name | Number | Course Name |
ART 230 | Typography and Information Design | ART 230 | Typography and Information Design |
ART 180 | Painting 1 | ART 268 | Digital Photography 1 |
ART 113 | Art History Survey: Caves to Cathedrals |
ART 113 | Art History Survey: Caves to Cathedrals |
Spring | Spring | ||
Number | Course Name | Number | Course Name |
ART 231 | Publication Design | ART 231 | Publication Design |
ART 268 | Digital Photography | ART 236 | Graphic Design History |
Year 3
Design, BA |
Design, BFA |
Fall | Fall | ||
Number | Course Name | Number | Course Name |
ART 229 | WI: Modern Art | ART 229 | WI: Modern Art |
ART 346 | Interactive Design | ART 346 | Interactive Design |
Spring | Spring | ||
Number | Course Name | Number | Course Name |
ART 356 | Interactive Design 2 (recommended, NOT required) |
ART 356 | Interactive Design 2 |
ART 358 | UX-UI | ||
Year 4
Design, BA |
Design, BFA |
Fall | Fall | ||
Number | Course Name | Number | Course Name |
ART 331 | Graphic and Interactive Design Practice | ART 331 | Graphic and Interactive Design Practice |
ART 374 | Portfolio Seminar | ART 374 | Portfolio Seminar |
Spring | Spring | ||
Number | Course Name | Number | Course Name |
ART 373 | Graphic Design Internship | ART 373 | Graphic Design Internship |
ART 378 | Graphic and Interactive Design Thesis Honors students could waive thesis (students are still expected to participate in the Senior Thesis Exhibition in Payne Gallery) |
Suggested Elective Courses, BA &BFA in Graphic and Interactive Design
ART 114 | Art History Survey: Renaissance to Abstraction |
ART 254 | Digital Video |
ART 368 | Digital Photography 2 |
ART 369 | Digital Photography 3 |
ART 354 | Digital Video 2 |
ENGL 211 | Creative Nonfiction (Prerequisite: LinC 101 or equivalent) |
ENGL 212 | Creative Writing (Prerequisite: LinC 101 or equivalent) |
ENGL 230 | Public Speaking |
MGMT 227 | Consumer Behavior |
MGMT 251 | Marketing Management |
Kudos To Kilburg!