2024-25 Season
Note: On campus at Moravian, masks are optional. That means that at theatre performances, please anticipate unmasked audiences and performers.
Fall 2024
October 11
Fri @8pm
Photograph 51
by Anna Ziegler
This reading will be directed by Dr. Chris Jones.
“Photograph 51” is the famous X-ray diffraction image that enabled James Watson and Francis Crick to correctly predict the structure of DNA, the key to all life on earth. But the photograph was taken by Rosalind Franklin, whose critical contribution to their realization was not credited until many years after her death. This play is an imagined account of the events leading up to that seminal discovery, focusing on Franklin’s often-tumultuous relationships with her colleagues, her fierce determination to make her own way in life, and how the choices we make affect the people we become and those we can never be.
Dana Lecture Hall, Collier Hall of Science
Admission: "Name your ticket price"
November 1
Fri @5pm
The Dummest Play Ever
by Brian D. Taylor
This workshop production will be co-directed by students Hannah Kolonoski and Emma Ward
Join 鶹 Theatre for an evening of dinner theatre. Wow! This has to be the worst title ever for a play, right? Unless... maybe not? In a series of silly scenes that will have us laughing at the “dumbness” in everything, the real question in the end is about what matters most. And while we all can do dumb, goofy things at times (maybe a lot of the time!), we all offer something of value as well. Despite its name, this play smartly poses pertinent questions like: Is Artificial Intelligence smart or dumb? Is a tri-fork an amazing brainstorm or just another silly idea? And why are really good answers on a quiz show somehow wrong? Players and the audience join in the fun with these ditzy characters. No one will walk away from this show without feeling both a little bit ‘dummer’ and a lot more smarter!
Clewell Dining Hall
Admission: "Name your ticket price"
November 22-23
Fri, Sat @8pm
An evening of optimism and second chances
"Sure Thing" by David Ives, and "Monologues of Hope"
The reading of "Sure Thing" will be directed by student Colin Core. In the play, two people meet in a cafe and find their way through a conversational minefield as an offstage bell interrupts their false starts, gaffes, and faux pas on the way to falling in love until they "get it right". It truly is all in the timing.
Monologues will be directed by Christopher Shorr. Students have chosen pieces from plays and films that share a spirit of hope and optimism.
The Doghouse, Basement of Zinzendorf Hall
Admission: "Name your ticket price"
Spring 2025
Stage combat workshop
With fight director Eli Lynn
Saturday 2/08 9:30-12:30
Saturday 2/15 12:00-3:00
Bahnson Center Saal
Learn the basics of unarmed stage combat, including punches, slaps, falls and grappling. No experience necessary. Come wearing a comfortable clothing. Attendance at both workshops is highly encouraged, but not required.
“Time Stuck”
An original play by student Josiah Dalpezzo
Presented as a staged reading
Directed by Lexi Jordan
Friday 2/21 8pm
Bahnson Center Saal
Time Stuck is a show that follows Tom and Lucy who are stuck within their past. They can't let it go to live in the present due to being trapped in a disjointed reality that manifests from their memories. Time Stuck makes us think about these memories from childhood and how events from our past affect our lives in the present.
An original play written and directed by student Colin Core
Thursday 3/27-Saturday 3/30 8pm
Charles Brown Ice House
What's the harm in acting as someone else? The story follows an actor who realizes they don't have to stop acting if they mimic the wacky characters around them in order to get through the social situations life throws at them. Including, but not limited to, using that customer service voice to have "friendly" conversations, pretending to be in a frat for that sense of community, or using political debates to argue that their favorite album is better than yours. Never leaving the stage is a great way to feel assured. "Is it ever okay to be yourself?" "Can anyone ever truly be genuine?" "Can this false sense of pretending even fool yourself?" Raising these questions and more, it'll sure make you think about people, which isn't that what theatre is all about?
Whispered Hopes and Fears: An Interior Monologue Soundscape
4/11-4/13 open during Moravian writers conference hours
Created by professor Christopher Shorr with material generated by Moravian students.
The “Whispers” Soundscape turns inner thoughts into an immersive, shared experience. This collaborative soundscape blends art and science, communication, emotion and exploration. The Moravian Writers Conference team and the Moravian Theatre Company present a soundscape of whispered thoughts, curiosities, hopes and fears that fill a shared space. Together, these voices will create a layered, dreamlike environment where the "inside" voices we all carry are brought into the "outside" world. Visitors will be invited to walk through and listen to a chorus of thoughts and then respond to the experience through a community art piece that will be developed throughout the duration of the two-day writers' conference.
The Hound Show
The 鶹 Theatre company student Cabaret
Directed by Emma Ward
4/11-4/12 8pm
Bahnson Center Saal
Join fellow hounds as they share their talent in an evening of music and comedy. The Saal will be transformed into a cabaret club, and snacks and drinks will be served.
鶹 encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact the Office of Disability and Accommodations by calling 610-861-1401 or emailing oda@moravian.edu.
Reserve Your Seat
Most of the Theatre Company's events are free, and you are welcome to attend. If you would like to reserve a seat in advance, please fill out our reservation request form.
鶹 Theatre Company
Christopher Shorr, Director of Theatre
Phone: 610-861-1489
Email: shorrc@moravian.edu
Location: Arena Theater, Haupert Union Building