Sandra Aguilar | Associate Professor of History
Office location: Comenius Hall 302
Office phone: 610-625-7957
Email: aguilars@moravian.edu
Ph.D., University of Manchester
Research interests and expertise
Nineteenth- and Twentieth-century Latin America, particularly Mexico. I am currently working on a book manuscript entitled “Cooking Modernity: Food, Gender, and Class in Mid-Twentieth Century Mexico.” This work situates women, the kitchen, and food at the forefront of the modernization process by examining women’s agency at home and the failure of nutrition programs in Mexico.
View Sandra Aguilar's Profile Page

Richard Anderson | Assistant Professor of Practice in Public History
Office location: Comenius Hall 301
Office phone: 610-625-7722
Email: andersonr03@moravian.edu
Ph.D., Princeton University
Research interests and expertise
My scholarly research explores U.S. politics, labor, and cities after World War II. I am currently completing my first book, Machine Politics: How Richard J. Daley and Chicago's Democratic Party Remade American Liberalism.
View Richard Anderson's Profile Page

Sandy Bardsley | Professor of History
Office location: Comenius Hall 303
Office phone: 610-861-1398
Email: bardsleys@moravian.edu
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research interests and expertise
I am co-author with Judith M. Bennett of the 12th edition of Medieval Europe: A Short History (July 2020, Oxford University Press). I am currently interested in the ways in which archaeological remains provide us with data about women's and men's health in late medieval England. I have published on sex ratios, attitudes towards women's speech, women's wages, and women's status in the middle ages.
View Sandy Bardsley's Profile Page

Jane Berger | Associate Professor and Chair, History Department
Office location: Comenius Hall 308
Office phone: 610-861-1402
Email: bergerj@moravian.edu
Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Research interests and expertise
Modern U.S. history. Topics of my courses include politics and protest, race and citizenship, women’s history, and recent U.S. history. I am currently working on a book on the historical causes of late twentieth century urban poverty in the United States.
View Jane Berger's Profile Page
Heikki Lempa | Professor of History, Priscilla Payne Hurd Chair in the Arts and Humanities
Office location: Comenius Hall 307
Office phone: 610-861-1315
Email: lempah@moravian.edu
Ph.D., University of Chicago
Research interests and expertise
I have published on German educational reform, the history of the body, and the history of emotions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. My most recent book, Spaces of Honor. Making Civil Society in Germany, 1700-1914 (University of Michigan Press, 2021) explores the intersections of civil society and practices of honor in eighteenth- and nineteenth- century Germany. I am currently working on a book-length project that attempts to understand how German sports, medicine, and dance were influenced by global entanglements, 1700-1914.
View Heikki Lempa's Profile Page
Jamie Paxton | Associate Professor of History
Office location: Comenius Hall 306
Office phone: 610-625-7897
Email: paxtonj@moravian.edu
Ph.D., Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Research interests and expertise
I offer courses in early American and Antebellum US history as well as the history of First People. I am currently working on a book manuscript tentatively titled, "Kinship, Communities, and Covenant Chains: The Mohawks and Their Neighbors in New York and Upper Canada, 1712-1830." My work examines how Mohawks, one of the Six Nations, incorporated Europeans into kinship networks and how the resultant communities persisted for more than a century in New York and, after the Revolution, Upper Canada (Ontario).
View Jamie Paxton's Profile Page

Sharon Sauder Muhlfeld | Adjunct Professor of History
Office location: Comenius Hall 401
Office phone: 610-625-7758
Email: muhlfelds@moravian.edu
Ph.D., The College of William and Mary
Research interests and expertise
In addition to teaching the US History survey, I have offered courses on the American Revolution and colonial Pennsylvania. My research centers on indigenous communities in the Ohio Valley during the second half of the eighteenth century.