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Student Support Services

The Office of Spirituality and Inclusion provides opportunities for worship, discussion, fellowship, education, and personal growth.  In addition, they are available for counseling. 

If you have an emergency, please call Campus Safety at 610-861-1421.  Campus Safety can reach the Chaplain. 

To be in touch with the chaplain or if you would like to set up an appointment, please call the Office of Spirituality and Inclusion at 610-861-1583, email chaplains@moravian.edu, or email the Chaplain or the Administrative Support Assistant at:

College Chaplain, The Reverend Jennika M. Borger - borgerj@moravian.edu

Assistant Director, Kayce Fava - faval@moravian.edu

Executive Administrative Assistant, Student Life, In-Chi Chow-Rivera - chow-riverai@moravian.edu