Via Lucis Society
The Via Lucis Society is named after the university’s motto, Via Lucis, meaning “the way of light.†Established in 2021, the Via Lucis Society honors Moravian’s most generous and dedicated supporters, whose lifetime contributions exceed $100,000. These exceptional individuals are the cornerstone of the Moravian community, providing the resources and opportunities that empower our students to excel and thrive.
KEY: | * | Deceased | H | Honorary Degree | S | Seminary |
G | Graduate Degree | P | Parent | GP | Grandparent |
Mr. & Mrs. DeLight E. Breidegam Jr. P'84, GP’14, GP’16, GP’18*
Mr. Charles D. Couch*
Harlan F. Fulmer, M.D. '43*
Mrs. Priscilla Payne Hurd*
Moravian Church, Northern Province
Frank E. & Seba B. Payne Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Reinhard P'86, P'90, H’03
Mr. Adam Brinker*
Mr. Robert M. Amey ’57*
Mr. Cyril J. Anderson*
Mr. Donald C. Anderson*
Laurie Riley '82* & Lloyd S. Brubaker
Mr. John H. Clewell*
Ms. Mildred S. Clewell*
Bertha Finkelstein '37* & Bernard L.* Cohen
Sandra L. & Placido A. '78 Corpora
Mr. Robert P. Flicker '71
Charles A. Frueauff Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Genevieve Riordan Gee '43*
Holly Beach Public Library Association
Lilly Endowment Inc.
Gladys Edgar '42* & James T.* Marcus
Moravian Church, Southern Province
Christine H., Esq. & Michael J., Esq. '75 Perrucci P’97
The Reeves Foundation
Miss Cornelia Schlotter '57*
Evangeline B.* & Norman S.* Smith
The Donald B. & Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
Mrs. Bertha-Mae Starner '27*
Mrs. Nancy A. Taylor*
United Brethren's Church
Mr. Robert A. Verrone '90
Miss Alma A. Albright '40*
Association of Independent Colleges & Universities of Pennsylvania
Mr. Donald N. Diehl*
East Penn Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Mr. Arthur V. Hugo*
Mr. Edward G. Kastelanch ’71*
Cyril ’65* & Brenda ’65 Krajci
Mrs. Mary Foglia Mudri ’50*
Ms. Alma Musselman*
Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.
Miss Constance M. Sokalsky '71*
George I. Alden Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis H. Barnette H'02
Evelyn Trodahl '68 & Richard Chynoweth
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Engels
Mrs. Ruth Overfield Fidorack '41*
Mr. Lewis W. Foy*
Mr. Rudolf H. Hertzog ’32*
Mr. Jerome E. Hirtle Jr. ’34*
Rev. Charles K. Kerschmar ’37*
Helen & R.K. Laros Foundation
Mrs. Jeanne Freas Mellen '48*
Merck Company Foundation
Claire L. & Parry J., MD '66 Miller
Dr. James Molnar ’66*
Mrs. Betty Aierstock Moore ’45*
National Endowment for the Humanities
Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation
Mrs. Margaret M. Peters*
Mrs. Betsey Tait Puth '51, H'06*
Anne McCandless '79 & Kenneth J. '79 Rampolla
Salem Congregation
F. P. Sutliff, MD '43*
Ms. Joann M. Trotsky '64
Rev. Dr. Janice M. Young S'82, S'91, GP’20
Mr. Alvin A. Albright, Jr.*
Mrs. Janet Outten Amos ’43* & Rev. Dr. Richard F. Amos ’43, S’45*
Mrs. Frances Longacre Barnard ’51*
Ms. Beverly A. Bell ’56*
Bethlehem Steel Corporation
Teri McCandless '81 & Ray S., Jr. '81 Bishop P'10
B. Braun Medical, Inc./Aesculap Academy
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Breidegam
Mrs. Inez Walsh Brigader ’49*
Alvin H. Butz, Inc.
The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Miss Ruth H. Clewell Jr.*
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
Patricia Owen '74 & Timothy A., MD '73 DeBiasse
Ms. Sabina Dechnik ’34*
Jay Deputy, PhD
Mr. Warren C. Dietrich ’34*
Mr. Frank J. Dolegiewicz ’87*
Kathleen & Michael M. '72 Ellis
Miss Carolyn D. Felker '68
Mr. Charles W. Ganzel*
Ms. Eva R. Groenfeldt*
Ms. Beth Rivers & Mr. Woodrin Grossman '66
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hancock Jr.*
Ms. Estelle Haupert*
Mr. J. Robert Hess P ’81, H'93
Constance Stirling '68 & Thomas W. Hodson
International Paper Company Foundation
Mr. Frank O. Jaxheimer ’60*
Mr. Leslie C. Jones '68
Mrs. Helen Harvey Jones*
Dr. Helen Kohler & Mr. Ron Stauffer
Kresge Foundation
Larger Life Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth Lowder Mason*
Deborah Oplinger '73 & Russell McKinnon
Mr. Charles E. Merrill, Jr.*
Dr. A. Kathrine Miller ’34*
Mr. Jody R. Miller '70
Mrs. Kathryn S. Munger*
National Park Service
Mr.* & Mrs. Maynard S. Northup
Terence L. O'Rourke, Jr. MD '86
Mr. Jeffrey R. Reinhard '90
St. Luke's University Health Network
William S. Schaninger Jr., PhD '93, G’98
Dr. Doris J. Schattschneider
Patricia Nemesh '70 & Robert J., Jr. Schoenen
Ralph L. Shields, MD '60 P'89
Ms. Jane F. Shirer*
Mrs. Mary Rider Shuey ’43*
Carol Herman, MD ’62 & Frank J., MD ’61* Szarko
The Teagle Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Agnes E. Tobias*
Ms. Hilda M. Walper*
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mrs. Walter F. Williams P'81
Ms. Muriel L. Wilson ’26*
Mr. William B. Woodring*
Mr. William C. Woodring ’38*
Mr. George A. D. Wunderly ’38*
Adele G. & Earl C. '57 Zeiner P'98
Mr. David A. Zinczenko '91
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
Albarell Electric, Inc.
Miss Margaret L. Albright 43*
Arcadia Foundation
Ms. M. Ann Bachert ’45*
Ms. Ella M. Badorf*
Dr. Stanley F. Banach '56
Mr. Frank Banko*
Kristin & Todd E. '86 Bateson
Louis W. Bender, PhD ’50*
Mr. Stephen D. Black
Booth Ferris Foundation
A. Joanne & John H., MD '54 Bowman P'82, P'94
Ms. Myrna Brindley*
Mr. & Mrs. John Bruther P'20
Mrs. Concetta Ronca Burke '50*
Lee Shields ’39* & Thomas E., Esq.* Butterfield
E. Rhodes & Leona B. Carpenter Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Christensen
Jennifer Swain '73 & Harry S. Jr., MD, PhD '72 Clarke
Patricia A.* & W. Eugene '68 Clater
Mr. Richard T. Clay ’51*
Dr.* & Mrs.* Herman E. Collier Jr. P’86
Janis Byram ’54* & Lowell A.* Cook
Jaime Marks '04 & Brian J. '02 Corvino
Rt. Rev. M. Blair Couch S'78 & Mr. Warren Gericke P'11
Mrs. Marian McCuiston Couch*
Shirley Messics '68 & Charles H. Daluisio
Kathryn M. & John H. '63 Dech
Mr. Arthur C. Dick*
Mr. Leonard R. Dimmick*
Miss Marcella I. Dimmick ’35*
Mrs. Mary Beth Krater Dinneen '64
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Domchek
Georgene Billiard '63 & Harry E. '64 Dooley
Eden Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Teresa Enright Eliezer ’49*
Mr. Ralph L. Emerson ’43*
Employees of East Penn Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Dr. Philip J. Erdle*
Ms. Lillian I. Erdell*
Mr. Henry K. Erwin*
Mr. John L. Farace ’69*
Mrs. Ada Zellner Flower ’46*
Dr. Don C. Follmer P '77*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Fox P'87
Louise A. & Marc E., PhD '65 Freeman
The Getty Foundation
Laura S. & Martin H. ’36 Goerner*
President Bryon & Mrs. Lea Grigsby '90 P'22, P'26
Mr.* & Mrs.* Roy C. Haberkern
Ms. Fanny M. Harrar ’17*
Elinor Shute '91 & Andrew W. '90 Hart P’23
Evalyn Adams ’38* & Stanley A.* Hawk
Mary K. & Richard D. '85 Hooper
Hotel Bethlehem
Elizabeth & James J., MD '60 Houser
Amy Kohler '95 & Robert Howard
Daren A. & F. James '69 Hutchinson
Barbara Colbourne '77 & F. Robert Jr. '76 Huth
Mrs. Helen Sloan James ’35*
JJ Development LLC
Just Born Inc.
Mr. Michael L. Karapetian '97
Keystone Savings Foundation
Leslie M. & Richard T. Jr., DDS '77 Kingston
Mrs. Edna Rapp Kreis ’68*
Ms. Marie P. Kressley ’25*
Mr. Peter H. Kromayer P'76
Dena L. & Keith D. '73 Lambie
Janice Whitfield '64 & John G., PhD '64* Landis
Muriel Souders ’39* & John W.* Landis
Mr. Donald K. Lauer*
Lebensfeld Foundation
Drs. Eva & Michael Leeds
Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback Foundation
Beverly* & Roy J. ’52* Ludwick
Mr. Renville C. Lund*
Rev. Anna Deppen Lutz S’70*
Mr. Thomas J. Lynch*
Anna Borhek ’40* & Edward G.* Manning
Mr. William S. Marsh '56
Mr. Arthur W. Mellen*
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Isidore Mihalakis, MD '58
Mrs. Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ’84 P'14, P'16, P’18*
Mrs. Gloria J. Miller*
Ivana & Borko '04 Milosev
Linda & Ralph F. ’86 Mittl P'20
Moravian Church, Eastern District
Moravian Church Foundation
Â鶹¹û¶³ Alumni Association
Anthony "Monk" ’59* & Patricia* Morelli
Mr. John Munchak Jr.*
Mr. Donald G. Musselman '68
Mr. Richmond E. Myers ’25*
Kristy Kavanaugh ’69* & Henry W. ’67 Nehilla
Joanne Mazur ’60* & Frederick M. O'Such
Tom A., Jr. ’77 and Linda Ortwein
Ann C. & Brian H. '82 Oswald
Pennsylvania Department of Â鶹¹û¶³
Jennifer & Daniel P. '91 Petrozzo
Petrucci Family Foundation
Jeanne Villano '86 & James G. Petrucci
Pew Charitable Trusts
Mrs. Louise Moore Pine*
PNC Financial Services Group
PPL Corporation
The Presser Foundation
Harvey T. Pullen, MD ’39*
Mrs. Barbara Reimers P '92
Mrs. Melissa Miller Robbins '69
Dr. & Mrs. Ervin J. Rokke
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley R. Roman
Lisa Moyer '81 & David Roth
Ms. Ruth Rudacil*
Sandy & Eric S. '69 Ruskoski
Jennifer & Bryan W., PhD '86 Sandmann
Saucon Insurance Company
Mr. George G. Sause Jr. ’41*
Mrs. Madeline Fuhr Schlotter ’34*
Mrs. MaryAnn Sedlock*
Mr. G. Dee Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James Smith*
Mrs. Ruth H. Smith*
Drs. Bettie & Oles Smolansky
Mr. Richard A. Snyder ’31*
Mrs. Robert P. Snyder*
Teresa Rizzo '92 & Jonathan D. '91 Soden
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sorenson
Honnie P. Spencer, MD '90, H’24
Linda Joseph '73 & James M. '73, 95 Stevens
Mr. Arthur F. Stocker*
Mr. William J. Straccia '58*
Ronald J. Stupak, PhD ’61*
Mrs. Margaret Taylor*
Trans-Bridge Lines Inc.
Judith K. & Martin L. '70 Trichon
Union Pacific Corporation
US Department of Health & Human Services
Ms. Ellen J. Warmkessel ’70*
Mr. Christian D. Weber S’52*
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Weller P'06
Valerie & Carl J. '83 Wimley
Windmill Foundation
Gail Smith Winson. JD '66
Mrs. Priscilla Wolle*
Barbara Roberts '61 & John W. '59 Woltjen