
Thanks and recognition for our generous supporters

Comenius Society GOLD

Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) membership in the Comenius Society is awarded to alumni who give $142 in the first year after graduation, and thereafter give $100 for each year since graduation (e.g., 2nd year, $200; 5th year, $500).

 KEY:*DeceasedHHonorary DegreeSSeminary
 GGraduate DegreePParentGPGrandparent

Mr. Shane S. Cassel ā€™23
Mr. Ethan Cherubin ā€™23
Ms. Gabrielle Helen Demchak ā€™23
Mr. Aidan John Evans Gartley ā€™23
Ms. Madison E. Figiel ā€™23
Mr. Kieran Michael Pisani ā€™23
Ms. Deanna Nicole Russo ā€™23
Mr. Josh Rutkiewicz ā€™23
Mr. Reed Buchanan Sturza ā€™23
Mr. Bryce VanNorman ā€™23

Ms. Harley Marie Bender ā€™22
Ms. Morgan Lee Colver ā€™22
Ms. Eliza M. Grigsby ā€™22
Ms. Olivia Kate Schmid ā€™22

Ms. Chloe Madison Mondok ā€™21

Mr. Matthew Geary ā€™20
Ms. Margaret Qiumin Jones ā€™20
Lauren Meredith Steinert ā€™20 & Luke I. Peterson ā€™19
Mr. Eric Thomas Williams ā€™20

Ms. Brielle V. Popolla ā€™19
Ms. Katherine Spilman ā€™19, Gā€™22
Megan Bauman ā€™19 & Ross E. Traphagen ā€™19
Mr. Nicholas V. Zambelli ā€™19

Mrs. Elaine Newton Deitch ā€™15
Mr. David G. Givler ā€™15
Mr. Christopher Dale Ossont ā€™15

Ericka M. Blair '14 & Thomas J. Natole '15
Ms. Jennifer Jimenez ā€™14